Currency converter

without ads!

How Much In - Clean and simple currency converter without ads | Product Hunt

Developer note

Introducing How Much In, a currency conversion app developed with a focus on providing fast and efficient performance that's entirely free and features no annoying ads. Bid farewell unanticipated pop-ups. The app is designed to deliver accurate currency conversions and support multiple currencies, making it convenient for users all around the world. With a user-friendly interface and optimized code, the app ensures smooth operation and quick response times.

How Much In is fully open-source. Feel free to contribute and help to improve it.

App developer -

Swap Currencies Like a Boss, without Breaking a Sweat

With How Much In, you can convert currencies faster than a ninja’s reflexes. Our user-friendly interface and smooth performance takes the pain out of conversions, ensuring an effortless experience every time.

150+ currencies and offline mode

How Much In allows users to easily convert between 150+ currencies. It is capable of performing offline conversions, making it perfect for travellers or those without internet access. With a user-friendly interface, the app ensures a seamless experience for quickly and accurately converting currencies on the go.

Dig Deeper, Find Answers

Is it really free?

You betcha! Our mission is to empower travelers and shoppers to make the most of their currency, without charging a penny. No fees, no ads, no catch—just a seamless and exceptional experience.

Which currencies are covered?

We’re the United Nations of currency converting apps. With our extensive reach, we support over 150+ currencies—every single one you could possibly need on your adventures. Currency data we use is also from open-source public GitHub repo.

Have access to offline rates?

Absolutely! How Much In has got your back, even when the internet doesn’t. With our offline mode, you can convert currencies in the wild, up on a mountain, or lost in a labyrinth city.

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